Tech For Food 2008 : New technologies to enhance agricultural development and food security

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It will gather projects holders from all around the world, development and technologies experts, NGOs, researchers, …Tech For Food was initiated by TV Agri press group (Agriculture & Nouvelles Technologies), and was rapidly joined up with by renowned partners (French National Space Centre, Farm, IRD, Cirad, Basf,…).

The initiative aims at facing the innovations democratisation’s challenge to fight against the essential stake of world hunger. The use of mobile phones will be stressed as they are a true boost to agricultural trade in developing countries. New technologies: a lift for Southern countries development
Innovative technologies enhancing South countries agriculture are numerous: satellites, chip cards, solar energy pumps, GPS, etc. Place of encounters in between global agriculture and development experts and role-players, Tech For Food’s objectives are to list and gather initiatives taken around the world as well as specifying propositions on the following topic: new technologies at the service of agriculture and the fight against hunger in the world.

Tech For Food 2008: a focus on web platforms and mobile phones

Tech For Food’s 2008 edition will partly focus on the possible applications of internet and mobile phones, more and more accessible in developing countries. Did you know that, in Africa, the number of mobile phone users
grows of 50% each year since 5 years, while in South America, broadband internet shows continuous growth with, for example, 6 subscriptions for 100 inhabitants in Chile? Paired to internet platforms, the mobile phone is already a fabulous boost to access information (staple products
stock exchange prices in Cameroon), to train (spy markets in Tanzania). It also enables online trading and exchange (e-money in the Philippines), or even better adaptation to markets (production diversification in Colombia), etc. Online registration available on the 9th of January Online registration available from the 9th of January 2008:
Registration is free and subject to availability.

To request high definition photos or an interview of Jean-Paul Hébrard, Tech For Food Symposium’s initiator, please contact Fréderic Sov. To become a partner, please contact Camille Orny

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