Zimbabwe: Makoni versus Mugabe

Reading time 2 min.

“it seems that the laws of the country are suspended during elections… people are forced to chant party slogans and produce ruling ZANU PF party cards before they can get food aid and people committing these heinous crimes are doing so with impunity”… “We are going to have an upsurge of political violence especially in Manicaland from where new political entrant Simba Makoni hails”.

In her presentation of a report on political violence and rights abuses in 2000, 2002 and 2005, Jestina Mukoko, ZPP National Director, said “it seems that the laws of the country are suspended during elections… people are forced to chant party slogans and produce ruling ZANU PF party cards before they can get food aid and people committing these heinous crimes are doing so with impunity”… “We are going to have an upsurge of political violence especially in Manicaland from where new political entrant Simba Makoni hails”.

This comes after last week’s announcement made by Makoni, 57, a former member of cabinet for the ZANU PF party expressed his intention of challenging the 84 year old Zimbabwean President Mugabe, who is seeking another five year term, in the pending general elections of 29th March. “I am raring to go on” Mugabe said waving a clenched fist on national television.

The party spokesman Nathan Shamamuyarira in an address at a press conference pointed out that Mr. Simba Makoni “stands expelled”, stressing the fact that it is a rule to expel any person who challenges an elected candidate of the party. He also warned ZANU-PF officials against coming out in support of Makoni, saying they too would be expelled.

Makoni is expected to run as an independent candidate. Political analysts say a challenge from Makoni shows a division in the ZANU-PF party. This division could leave Mugabe weaker even if he wins. Makoni is believed to have a strong backing from Solomon Mujuru, a former army chief whose wife Joyce is vice-president. Zimbabwean political analyst, John Makumbe, says that if this is indeed true, the ZANU-PF votes would be split, thus boosting chances of the opposition MDC.

Mr. Makoni could have more support than than what analysts are suggesting. Opposition MP, Priscilla Misihairabwi spoke of Makoni’s courage in challenging Mugabe publicly, in a BBC News online. She also said that Mr. Simba Makoni, whose first name means lion in Swahili, is a man of principles.

His supporters agree that he has a sound knowledge of orthodox economics. Makoni was sacked in 2002 after he stood up against Mugabe’s economic policy.

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, said hurried preparations for the elections coupled with the little information voters were getting is confusing and has reduced the prospects of truly democratic polls. Meanwhile, British Africa Minister, Mark Malloch-Brown said that odds are against Zimbabwe’s elections being free and fair despite efforts from South Africa to mediate between Mugabe and the opposition.

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