The headquarters of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) will be relocated from Paris, France, to Tunis, Tunisia, by the end of the first half of 2008.
Known for its expertise on African schools, ADEA, which benefited from the support of the World Bank and the UNESCO, would be relocated to the Tunisian capital on the premises of African Development Bank (AfDB).
For ADEA Executive Secretary, headed by Mamadou N’Doye, Former Minister of Basic Education in Senegal, the transfer of the headquarters will take place at a time when the association is expanding its activities in North Africa and launched its first strategic plan (2008-2012).
The transfer, the strategic plan and the extension of activities would be discus sed, among other things at the biennial conference of the association scheduled f rom 5-9 May in Maputo, Mozambique.
The association acts as a catalyst of policies and innovative practices for change in education through experiences and knowledge.
To encourage that media workers in Africa, interested in education issues, ADEA has instituted an “African Education Journalism Award”, given out every two years, with a 2,000 euros reward for the winner of each category and a study trip for the winners.