Russian President Putin visits Kadhafi in Libya

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Flag of Libya

Libyan Leader Muammar Kadhafi Wednesday held a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who began a two-day official visit at the head of a strong delegation from his country. This is the visit is the first by a Russian leader in the north African nation.

The Libyan leader met Putin in his Tripoli residence which was targeted by the US bombardments in April 1986.

Putin, who denounced “the US attack” wrote in the visitors’ register: “In the memory of the martyr victims, we share your sadness and please accept our condolences.”

The Russian delegation included Foreign Affairs Minister Sergueï Lavrov, Deputy PM and Finance Minister Alexeï Koudrine, the head of the Office for Military and Technical Cooperation Mikhaël Dimitreev, the Director of Industry Agency Andreï Dotov.

Also on the delegation were various officials from leading Russian companies working in the areas of oil, gas, economy, foreign trade and railways.

According to diplomatic analysts, Russia attaches paramount importance to President Poutine’s visit to Libya which the Russian media have described as “a landmark and unprecedented visit.”

Analysing the consequences of the visit, the head of the department of compared theoretical studies at the Russian Sicence Academy, Alexeï Dotsiro said it was part of Moscow’s strategy to develop its relations with “influential” countries at the international level.

In his remarks to reporters, the Russian political expert noted that “as Russia develops its relations with the US, China and European countries, it is also looking to develop them with Libya which has a great influence in Africa and in the Arab countries.”

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