Zimbabwe : Two parties demand another recount

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The election impasse in Zimbabwe deepened Wednesday after two political parties lodged fresh petitions challenging parliamentary results in 105 constituencies.

The southern African country held combined parliamentary, presidential and local government elections 29 March, but the results of all the three polls are yet to be conclusively determined.

It was headed for a presidential poll run-off on a date yet to be announced, after results declared last week showed no candidate won a majority.

But the opposition, which claims it won the presidential race, is disputing last week’s announcement and is considering whether or not to boycott the run-off vote.

Despite winning control of the lower house of parliament, the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) said it would challenge the election outcome in 52 constituencies.

President Robert Mugabe’s ruling party, on the other hand, announced it would petition the electoral court to examine the results in 53 constituencies where it suspects fraud.

This followed earlier election petitions in 23 constituencies filed by the two parties, which were probed last week. No changes happened after vote recounts in the constituencies.

Both parties are citing fraud and ballot tampering in demanding a re-examination of the votes in the constituencies.

The demands are likely to delay the conclusion of the election, the most closely fought in the country’s history.

Local government election results are yet to be declared, while it took more than a month to announce those of the presidential race.

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