Celtel Kenya, one of the country’s mobile telephone service providers Tuesday launched a 1 million shilling programme to upgrade facilities at a special educational unit at Nairobi’s city primary school. (US 1 = 61 Kshs)
Through its social corporate responsibility programme, the mobile telephone giant will construct a workshop and a home science block at the city school to be used by the autistic and mentally handicapped children.
At a ground-breaking ceremony at the school, Celtel International CEO, Chris Gabriel said the facilities were important since they were integrating the special children into formal schooling.
“We would like to see the special unit grow to become a model case in the rehabilitation process” said Gabriel.
The school’s autism and mentally handicapped unit has 70 pupils and it is the only public school in the country with such a unit.
Gabriel revealed that Celtel would continue to support such facilities and will commercialise the project through mentorship programmes.
“The workshop will be instrumental in unveiling talents among the children in this special unit” said Gabriel.
Gabriel further said early this year, Celtel Kenya presented equipment worth 250,000 Kenya shillings to the school, adding that the company will support the education sector to achieve the millennium development goals (MDG’S). Panapress .