Legendary Egyptian film director Youssef Chahine was airlifted to France Monday after slipping into a coma as a result of brain hemorrhage, Khaled Yussef, who co-directed his most recent success “Heya Fawda,” said.
Yussef said Chahine was hurriedly airlifted in an air ambulance because his family could not wait 48 for a regular Egypt to France flight.
“We couldn’t wait 48 hours for a plane from France to come and transport him,” Yussef said, adding that Chahine’s niece and producer Marianne Khoury accompanied the legend on the flight.
Egypt’s official news agency, MENA, reported that the filmmaker “is in a coma following a cerebral hemorrhage” and that he is in “serious” condition.
Chahine is one of the most internationally recognised Egyptian directors, having been awarded the Cannes Film Festival’s 50th anniversary lifetime achievement award in 1997.
His most recent award was from the organisers of the Dubai International Film Festival in late 2007. Panapress .