Alintuma Nsambu, the State Minister for Information and Communications Technologies, has affirmed that the newly introduced laptop ownership programme will after five years, see over one million laptops imported into the country to meet the needs of both the civil and student/teacher programs.
The Minister was quoted as saying that Uganda had been sleeping in the areas of ICT and it was time for them to wake up. The ICT Ministry has attempted many options to ensure that a big percentage of Ugandans have access to computer information technology.
The programme that initially targeted the civil service has moved onto school teachers and their students. The Civil and Corporate Employees Computer Ownership Programme (CICOCO) is intended as a head start in the country’s e-government program. So far, the program has seen 4,000 government workers acquire the laptops.
A US based company by name Tropix Technology, has dedicated $150 million in capital to the project, which was initiated early in the year. Tropix president Dauglus Tausik has assured that the company remains committed to Uganda. Tropix will also donate desktop Personal Computers (PCs) to chosen schools for setting up school computer laboratories.
‘Uganda is becoming one of the richest countries in the areas of ICT,’ Nsambu said while handing over laptops at Statistics House in Kampala.