The Government of Japan has decided to extend environmental program grant aid (the Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System) totaling 660 million JPY to the Republic of Malawi. Notes to this effect were exchanged on February 17 (Wed) (local time: same day) in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi, between Mr. Motoyoshi Noro, Japanese Ambassador to Malawi, and The Honourable Ken Kandodo, Minister of Finance.
In Malawi, most energy consumption is provided by biomass fuel, which produces large amounts of carbon dioxide. Malawi is working to reduce the ratio of biomass fuel and to diversify energy sources under the objective of increasing the utilization rate of renewable energy.
This project will provide the necessary funds to install a solar power generation system connected to the power system in Kamuzu Airport, which is Lilongwe’s international airport. In this way, it will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and also to the smooth operation of airport facilities.
This grant aid is a part of Japan’s commitment to Africa announced at the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) held in May 2008 to strengthen cooperation towards efforts in the field of climate change countermeasures within African countries.
Reference: The Republic of Malawi is located in southern Africa. It covers a land area of 118,000 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 14.28 million people (World Bank, 2008). Malawi’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is 290 USD (World Bank, 2008).
Source: Japan – Ministry of Foreign Affairs