Kenyan PM warns against conflicts between Kenyan, Ugandan, Tanzanians

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Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga has warned African countries against clashing with each other over trivial issues.

Addressing the press on his visit to Ugandan Easter town of Soroti Saturday, Odinda said that African countries should always endeavour to unite in order to fight against their common problems.

He gave an example of Migingo island which both Ugandan and Kenyan fishermen have claimed belongs to their country.

“I met president Museveni yesterday and we talked about Migingo Island. We agreed that the issue about the boundary will soon be solved. There is no need for two countries to quarrel over a piece of rocky land in lake Victoria,” Raila Odinga said.

Odinga, while commenting about fish in lake Victoria which is shared by the three East African countries of Uganda Kenya and Tanzania, said there is no need for one country to stop fishermen from another country to fish within its boundaries.

He said that there is enough fish for all. “Fish does not carry passports. Fish can be born in Kenya,it grows in Uganda and is eaten in Tanzania. Since we are opening up boundaries so that people in East African community can travel freely from one country to another, so the fishing should also be open.”

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