Ludacris embarks on webisode 3 of a 5 part series for the 2010 Census Luda On The Block tour, bringing his daughter, Ed Lover of WWPR-Power 105, and NYers together to break down the realities of what filling out and mailing in the 2010 Census really means for NY. While touring the melting pot that is NYC and the boroughs, he visits Union Square and home visits in Brownsville, Brooklyn, to learn that many New Yorkers are just too busy to fill out the 2010 Census form.
“It’s understandable, says Ludacris, “but the Census can be attributed to getting the resources to increase subway and bus frequency so that they can actually get a seat instead of packing in. Children and adults can enjoy neighborhood parks that are maintained and upgraded to accommodate their community. Schools, seniors and emergency services will improve as well. I let them know they must be counted to see these types of changes.”
Click here to view webisode 3 of New York, in a 5 part series of the 2010 Luda On The Block Tour. To find out if Ludacris will visit your block, follow him on Twitter. If you didn’t fill out and mail back your Census form, then a qualified Census taker will visit your home to ensure that your voice is represented. Census takers are easily identified by their badges and all responses are confidential. Remember, only you can help ensure better services for your community. Visit:
Source: RC-CP