Voucher Support in Illinois Shatters Preconceptions

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Demonstrating the power of grassroots action to drive solutions to persistent school failure in the city of Chicago, the Illinois State House of Representatives is nearing a vote on a program that could provide up to 22,000 students in the city’s lowest-performing public schools with vouchers to attend private schools, and thus would join the four other states that offer specialized voucher programs for students who are most disadvantaged, offering them hope and opportunity for a better life.

“When families are failed by low-performing schools, no matter where they live, they deserve the opportunity to choose the best school fit for their child,” said Jeanne Allen, President of the Center for Education Reform. “The courageous actions of the bi-partisan, multi-racial coalition for school choice in Illinois is an example for all of us – citizens, policymakers and students alike.”

State Senator James Meeks (D-15th District) chairs the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus and is an active Baptist minister, with 24,000 followers. His leadership has called attention to the plight of urban schools being assigned the least-experienced teachers and he has called school reform a civil rights imperative. The bill he champions (SB 2494) passed the Illinois Senate on a 33-20 vote in late March.

“These vouchers represent hope for thousands of families who are trapped in some of the state’s lowest performing schools,” said Kenneth Campbell, President of the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO). “It is difficult for me to understand why anyone would deny the opportunity for a better education to our most vulnerable citizens.”

“While national lawmakers ignore the need for meaningful and widespread school choices for needy children that encompass all types of schools, local representatives lead the way,” added Allen. “Perhaps Illinois’ success will carve a successful path for DC school children whose program ironically was terminated under the guidance of the senior US Senator from Rep. Meeks’ state earlier this year.”

The Center for Education Reform drives the creation of better educational opportunities for all children. CER changes laws, minds and cultures to allow good schools to flourish.

Source: Center for Education Reform

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