Thursday, the Camara family anxiously awaited the results of an autopsy on the body of their eldest son, Moriba Camara “Junior”, who was found dead in his swimming pool at his home in Vieux-Longueuil, Canada. Ahead of the results, various local media speculated foul play. The Canadian police say a toxicological test will be done to further investigate the death, after the initial autopsy result.
Monday, Moriba “Junior”, 25, the eldest son of former Guinean junta leader, Camara Dadis, who arrived in Canada a little over a year ago to pursue his university studies, was found dead in his swimming pool at his home in Longueuil, Canada.
According to the Guinean media, the young man’s corpse was discovered when the repeated knocks on Moriba’s door by deliverymen went unanswered. A relative who hurried to the scene found Moriba Junior Camara’s lifeless body around 19 hours local time and contacted the emergency services.
Autopsy result
The circumstances leading to his death remained undetermined after an inconclusive initial autopsy on Thursday. “So far we don’t have any link that would allow us to believe that there’s foul play involved,” Longueuil police spokesperson Dominic Arsenault is quoted as saying.
Suggesting that further autopsy results could take several weeks before being released, another police spokesperson, Gaétan Durocher, said that toxicological tests will be done in order to determine what might have caused the young man’s death.
Officer Gaétan Durocher indicated that the initial results of the autopsy do not reveal any new clues to the ongoing investigations, although the cause of death cannot be revealed for the time being. Martin Simard of the Longueuil police has also told the local media that there was no indication of a crime.
A media investigation
Although initial autopsy performed Thursday on the Moriba’s corpse to determine the cause of death has proved inconclusive, with police saying there is no evidence of a crime in this case, at least for the time being, some Guinean newspapers have speculated foul play while questioning the circumstances surrounding the death of the young man.
“How could a young man (…) drown in a swimming pool in a country with tight security regulations surrounding swimming pools? (…) We are not talking about a river or an agitated sea” writes nlsguinee.
The website alleges that the son of the former junta leader had received strange “visits from a horde of vengeful people who resented him vilely for his father’s acts.” The article adds: “after missing the father, it is possible that those who have left no stone unturned to oust him from power, are behind this barbarism”.
Captain Dadis Camara, a self-proclaimed successor of former head of state Lansana Conté, was eliminated from the limelight after he was shot in the head during an assassination attempt on his life in December 2009. He has been blamed for the September 28, 2009, stadium massacres that left over 150 Guinean demonstrators dead.