Kevin Prince Boateng: The story of a genius in the making

Reading time 2 min.

If imitation is the measure of success then I am a genius, a paraphrased quote from Oscar Wilde credits mavericks and loners whose behaviour sparks imitations from copycats. Now the famed bohemian’s assertions might have been self serving but could also be a viable benchmark for unparalleled human achievement.

Kevin Prince Boateng’s quest to switch nationality and seek solace playing for a country other than the nation of his birth might not represent a remarkable sporting feat but could in the long run inspire similar defections from nationals residing in countries as second or third generation citizens.

The Boateng saga is a slice of modernism believe it or not. The millions of Ghanaians who left our shores are remitting the country with more than just foreign money.

The yet to be celebrated genius may have shown the way to our lawyers, doctors, engineers and all gifted professionals who have opted to commit their skills and abilities to the development of the western world in lieu of serving the continent that they hailed from.

As Kevin Prince Boateng gains more favour in Ghana for being the victim of biased or unfair treatment of foreigners by Europeans, his status grows in dimension and scope thrusting him into the class of social icons like Rosa Parks who defied the status quo for the sake of social justice.

The irony is that, iconoclastic behaviour initially tends to incur the wrath of on-lookers who are ill- equipped to discern the merits in non-conformist behaviour.

Placing Kevin’s decision in its proper context, one sees an act of virtue based on insight lost on some of the continent’s brightest products. Mario Balotelli another sensational footballer of Ghanaian origin still awaits a call up to the Azzuris, the national squad of Italy. In spite of the many indicators that, he is better off committing his international career to Ghana, he is still nurturing the hope that he can make history as the first black player to break into the Italian squad.

Boateng’s decision to play for Ghana is likely to discourage that kind of blind allegiance to a developed world that continues to ignore the efforts and merits of immigrants.

For showing the way, I dare call Mr Boateng a genius in keeping with Oscar Wilde’s definition of the term and bid all Ghanaians and Africans in fact to welcome a noble son from the continent who saw the light under the most unusual of circumstances. Kevin Prince Boateng, you are welcome home!!!!!

The Other Afrik  The Other Afrik is an alternative and multi-faceted information source from Afrik-News' panel of experts. Contributions include : opinions, reviews, essays, satires, research, culture and entertainment news, interviews, news, information, info, opinion, africa, african-american, europe, united states, international, caribbean, america, middle east, black, France, U.K.
William Manful
Mr William Manful is a member of the Ghanaian Foreign Service. He has served in the United Kingdom as the Head of Protocol for the Ghana High Commission in London. Prior to his appointment as a Foreign Service Officer, Mr Manful worked with the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) as a human rights advocate. He also has a degree in French and Spanish from the University of Ghana and was later awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to do an MPhil in International Relations at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. Mr Manful also writes on philosophy, cinema, sport and religion.
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