The controversial WikiLeaks website which is giving Foreign ministers
headaches world-over has provided Zimbabwe incontrovertible evidence
that USA was collaborating with the MDC to overthrow President Mugabe.
Despite the United States of American and Zimbabwe having for long had an uneasy relationship, political commentators argue that the situation could get worse following Mugabe’s mention in the leaked documents. According to them, Zanu PF has been gifted with a propaganda coup.
Zimbabwe’s Foreign Affairs minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi says diplomats engaged in the “illegal regime change” plot will have to face the full wrath of the law.
Mumbengegwi, who also doubles up as External Affairs official in Zanu PF says diplomats engaged in the “illegal regime change” plot will have to face the full wrath of the law.
“Now the good thing about all this is that we now have incontrovertible evidence that the Western countries and the United States in particular has been collaborating with MDC T in this country to destabilise this country which is in total violation of the Vienna Convention,” Mumbengegwi said.
Mumbengegwi added,”In the Dell report, he admits that US is funding political parties in this country. And everybody knows that this cannot be Zanu PF. And in our laws this is absolutely illegal.”
He warned that no diplomatic representative was allowed under international law to violate any laws of the country to which they are
“And now we have this revelation to the effect that the former American ambassador was interfering in the internal affairs of Zimbabwe. And this is a matter we take extremely seriously,” Mumbengegwi said.
“We intend to enforce the provisions of international law to the letter. Zimbabwe will not accept, Zimbabwe will not tolerate any interference in the internal politics of Zimbabwe by any of the diplomatic representatives of any country no matter how powerful that country maybe.
“They are bound by international law, they must obey international law,” a tough-talking Mumbengegwi said.
However, despite Mumbengegwi’s claims, the United States is by far the
largest donor to humanitarian agencies in Zimbabwe.
Meanwhile, the US embassy, based in the capital, Harare, is getting on with the robust and confidential business of diplomacy without getting sidetracked by the volatile WikiLeaks episode, which raises questions about the need to maintain proper protection for the large body of classified documents.
US deputy Ambassador David Abell says views contained in the leaks neither reflect his government’s position nor policies.
“The American people have high opinion of the people of Zimbabwe. We
want to continue to have a friendly relationship with this country”.
“ We diplomats write reports from time to time and these reports are then handed over to policymakers in our country. We do not make polices as diplomats”