The Cameroonian Professor emeritus, Gottlieb Lobe Monekosso, former Minister of Public Health and Director of the World Health Organisation for Africa Region, has been honoured. In London, United Kingdom, he received the Gold medal of the prestigious “Queen Elizabeth II” competition.
The Cameroonian Professor emeritus, Gottlieb Lobe Monekosso, former Minister of Public Health and Director of the World Health Organisation for Africa Region, has been honoured. In London, United Kingdom, he received the Gold medal of the prestigious “Queen Elizabeth II” competition.
This competition is periodically organised by the Royal Society of Public Health among health professionals in Commonwealth countries. According to a press release from the Ministry of Public Health, the honorary distinction is within the framework of his achievements at the national and international levels in field of public health. Prof Monekosso is described by his peers as an encyclopedia of health practice in Africa.. Born on November 13, 1928 in Cameroon, Gottlieb Lobe Monekosso studied medicine in Nigeria and the United Kingdom where he obtained a Doctor of Medicine (MD) in 1957 . Gottlieb Lobe Monekosso is a man who has devoted all his life on health issues. As a trained professor of medicine, he has occupied important positions in the domain at both national and international levels. As a matter of fact, he was the African Regional Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for ten years before his appointment as Cameroon minister of Public Health between 1997 and 2000.The then minister is still into research on health issues. This former African Regional Director of WHO is the brain child of the ‘health district´ concept implemented in Africa with the objective of drawing the population closer to health centres . In Cameroon where he is considered a national pride, Pr. Monekosso has set up a project which aims at ‘sharing health risk´ in Cameroon. This project which is still the order of the day aims at enabling all Cameroonians to treat themselves irrespective of their income . At the age of 80, Pr. Monekosso is managing Global Health Dialogue, a Douala- based NGO, specialized in health issues.