Why we can hope for no more pedophiles in Morocco

Reading time 3 min.

The Kingdom of Morocco has just lived one of the most intense weeks of its history. Here’s a brief about it…

Tuesday, July 30 th: it all started with a very “ordinary” procedure. Like every year on Throne day and following a successful visit of Spain’s king Juan Carlos, King Mohammed VI pardoned a list of Spanish citizens in Morocco including a pedophile.

Thursday: The lawyer of one of the victims of the pedophile informed the media. Then a wonderful mobilization started on social media; people from all walks of life decided to meet on Friday night, for a pacific sit-in in front of parliament in order to inform their elected representatives. Unfortunately, the reaction of the police was violent not understanding, at this moment, the real reasons for the pacific demonstration and who are the forces behind.

Saturday: The King Mohammed VI promised, in a first communication by the Royal Cabinet, an investigation adding “It is evident that the Sovereign would never have consented that Daniel Galvan would cease serving his sentence, given the atrocity of the hideous crimes of which he was found guilty”.

This had reassured a major part of Moroccans. Knowing that 24 hours is considered a long delay for young Internet users and activists while a 48 hours reaction from an institution of the Monarchy is a record.

In fact, knowing the engagement of the sovereign for human development and for ending poverty in Morocco, most of Moroccan citizens concluded that this was an error that had to be corrected for sure.

The following days had been fast and slow since every Moroccan has his/her full attention about every aspect of the “story”. The director of the prison authority had been revoked. The king canceled the pedophile’s pardon who was arrested afterwards in Spain.

Happy Ending

On Wednesday afternoon, the king had received families of the victims of the pedophile and in the evening a pacific sit-in took place in memory of all victims of pedophilia.


Emotions, debates, questions, interrogations, rumors and suspense had animated the most important week of Morocco’s recent history. For the first time, we all lived united, focused on the same subject.

One of the major conclusions of this event is the birth of a real public opinion in the kingdom. From now on, we know that without any political or any formal organization, a horizontal mobilization can start as long as it is for an issue that unifies all parts of the diversified Moroccan society.

As an editor and socially engaged in my country, I strongly believe that this is the confirmation that, we have, in Morocco, a wise king who is receptive to the citizen’s main issues and open to changes that unifies all Moroccans.

I think that the greatest thing that can occur after what happened after that week is the realization of a national action plan for the eradication of pedophilia, and why not inspire other countries to do the same, that’s my dream!

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