The media watchdog, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), on Friday asked the Cameroonian government to lift the suspension slapped on a private television station, Equinoxe TV, for non-payment of an operating fee. Cameroon’s Ministry of Communication on Thursday suspended Equinoxe TV from broadcasting until it pays the CFA F 100 million bond required for the issuance of an operating license. However, RSF in a statement said: “The financial grounds cited for suspending Equinoxe TV seem to be just a pretext for harassing a news medium that has criticised the government’s decision to amend the constitution. We call on the governmen t to lift this suspension so that a democratic debate can continue.” RSF noeted that none of the three private television channels currently operatin g in Cameroon has met the conditions set by the government.
RSF calls on Cameroonian government to lift ban on Equinoxe TV
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