African countries’ report on progress made in pre venting and addressing gender-based violence will be presented at a three-day in t ernational colloquium organized here by the UN in collaboration with the African Union (AU) and the Government of Ethiopia this week. Opening Wednesday at the UN Conference Centre in the Ethiopian capital, the thre e-day event will also be used to launch a global report, titled “From Invisible t o Indivisible Promoting and Protecting the Right of the Girl Child to be Free fr o m Violence”, as a follow-up to the UN Secretary-General’s study on violence agai n st children. The conference organizers said Tuesday that it was the Second Gender Justice in Africa Colloquium, following the first that was organized by the Government of South Africa in November 2006 to address gender-based violence and violence agains t women and children. Besides influencing African countries to develop and implement plans to address gender issues, the colloquium will provide participants with information on the c hallenges, progress and enabling instruments for protection and support for wome n and children affected by gender-based across the continent.
African countries’ report on ending gender-based violence
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