About 100 Sudanese soldiers arrived in Moroni Thursday as part of a planned military intervention of the African Union (AU) to restore the Comorian government authority on the Anjouan Island. “This first group will be followed by others,” the Comoran government Spokesman, Abdourahim Saïd Bacar, told reporters. He said Senegal was also sending troops as part of the AU mission. Some 500 Tanzanian soldiers are already in Moroni pending their deployment to Mohéli, the island nearest to Anjouan. The military intervention seeks to end “the illegal power” of the Anjouan self-declared leader, Col. Mohamed Bacar, who on Wednesday evening proposed an Inter-Comoran dialogue to send the crisis. “Mohamed Bacar has turned a deaf ear to all proposals for negotiation made to him. We don’t think that after challenging the whole world, he has a minimum of credibility to propose negotiations,” the government spokesman said.
First group of Sudanese soldiers arrives Comoros
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