Crisis power-sharing talks in Zimbabwe between the government and the opposition, mediated by South African President Thabo Mbeki, were adjourned on Monday to Tuesday amid signs of progress. Emerging from the talks, President Robert Mugabe told reporters: “We are moving forward, not backwards.” The two sides are negotiating a deal to share power after a disputed presidential poll at the beginning of the year. But after reaching an outline deal three weeks ago, they remain deadlocked on the powers of a new position of prime minister to be created, which has been reserved for the opposition. Mugabe, who will retain the presidency under the deal, has been insisting on being in charge of the government, which the opposition is vehemently opposes, demanding that the prime minister instead be in sole command of cabinet. An opposition official told reporters after Monday’s meeting that “we hope to conclude the negotiations tomorrow (Tuesday) but we still have some work to do”.
Zimbabwe power-sharing talks progressing
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