Professional football will be deep rooted in Cameroon by the year 2010, if a programme set up by the Cameroonian Football Federation (FECAFOOT) is anything to believe. First, it says, the 2008-2009 national football championships in the first and s econd divisions will be organised along professional lines with the signing of contracts between clubs, players and the football federation. Under the programme, a footballer in the elite division will receive a monthly salary of 50,000 FCFA, while those in the second division will be paid 25,000 F CFA monthly. FECAFOOT will make its money from sponsors – a mobile telephone company – and the English television channel Gateway Television (GTV) which acquired the broadcast rights of the matches. According to the contract, signed with FECAFOOT, GTV must pay to US$ 1 million per annum for five years.
Cameroonian football goes professional
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