Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam declared, Tuesday, that no Mauritian national identity card was found in the bags of the terrorists who attacked the Taj Hotel in Mumbai, India, last week. In a declaration to the Parliament Tuesday, Ramgoolam said he had New Delhi’s confirmation. “The Mauritian high commissioner in India had many phone conversations with the Indian authorities who confirmed that so far only the national identity card of the Mauritian Chaitlall Gunness has been found in the lobby of the hotel in Mumbai,” he said. Mr. Gunness was chief executive officer of the State Bank. He was on mission in Mumbai when he was killed in the attacks and his remains were repatriated and cremated in Mauritius Monday “I have been informed that no Mauritian identity card, credit or debit cards has been found so far. Therefore, this information is wrong”, he declared.
PM confirms Mauritian ID found in Mumbai terror attacks did not belong to terrorists
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