China to do more business with Sudan despite threats

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The government of the Peoples Republic of China has vowed to continue investments in Sudan after the killing of five of Chinese citizens in Darfur.

Five Chinese nationals killed in Darfur during a rescue attempt by Sudanese authorities were among nine Chinese oil workers who were seized in Kordofan, near the region of Darfur, more than a week ago.

The Chinese government had since spoken in denunciation against the terrorist activities in Sudan but has maintained that their business in and with the country will continue.

Jiang Yu the spokeswoman of the foreign ministry has urged the Sudanese government to seek the protection of Chinese residents and property in Sudan.

China is a key purchaser of Sudanese oil and has been investing heavily in the country.

Despite reports claiming that the oil and arms deals between China and Sudan has contributed and facilitated the oppression, genocide and killings in Sudan, the Chinese have reiterated their business affiliations with Sudan and are not swaying their position under any pressure of international accusations or acts of protestation by locals.

The Sudanese government has however blamed the kidnappings on the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), a Darfur rebel organisation, who have in turn denied the accusations.

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