Zimbabwe votes : Statistics of votes in three scenarios

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Three scenarios have been developed based on slightly different assumptions. The major assumption is that Tsvangirai still has major support in urban areas, whilst Mugabe still has strong support in the three Mashonaland rural provinces. It is assumed that Makoni will have the support of his home province, as well as of the three Matabeleland Provinces.

figures provided by our correspondent in Harare  

The figures are based on the 2002 Census.  It is assumed that the Census provides an accurate ratio of the population by province, and that the percentage of voters will be close to the population ratios.


However, the national polling register is rigged with errors that is said to favour the 84 year old Robert Mugabe. A detailed list has shown the names of people long deceased.

A brief computer analysis based on the scanned voters’ roll
reveals massive discrepancies between what ZEC has declared as the
number of voters per constituency and those actually on the voters

There are massive variations of up to 30,8 per cent in some
constituencies such as Goromonzi South, Bulawayo Central, Gokwe
Nembudziya and Chikomba East.

Goromonzi South has a total of 19 422 on the voter’s roll which is 30.8 less than the 28 086 voters registered by ZEC.

Below is the margin of error provided by the Zimbabwean Electoral commission and analysed by opposition campaigns.

 ZIMBABWE Electoral Voters List Margin of Error

Constituency Voters registered by ZEC N° of Voters on Roll % Error
1. Goromonzi South 28086 19422 -30.8%
2. Gokwe-Nembudziya 27261 19519 -28.4%
3. Chikomba East 22597 15701 -30.5%
4. Bulawayo Central 27646 20760 -24.9%
5. Bulilima West 31305 29431 -15.8%
6. Chegutu East 31226 25059 -19.7%
7. Bubi 31706 26365 -16.8%
8. Gokwe 22669 19275 -15.0%
9. Chipinge East 24491 21756 -11.2%
10. Chikomba central 26520 24203 -8.7%
11. Chiredzi East 26344 24127 -8.4%
12. Guruve South 31711 29556 -6.8%
13. Chivi South 31909 29760 -6.7%
14. Bindura North 30867 29165 -5.5%
15. Glen Nora 22399 26862 19.9%
16. Buhera West 29427 34411 16.9%
17. Gokwe-Sengwa 24809 28462 14.7%
18. Binga South 26295 29686 12.9%
19. Bulilima East 31625 35218 11.4%
20. Bikita East 28509 31309 9.8%
21. Gokwe Sasame 31905 35034 9.8%
22. Chakari 21639 23585 9.0%
23. Glen View South 27689 29943 8.1%
24. Gokwe Mapfungautsi 29947 32383 8.1%
25. Gokwe Chireya 27261 29321 7.6%
26. Chikomba West 30297 32133 6.1%
27. Chivi Central 29691 31146 4.9%
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