As the Zimbabwe Election Commission continue to release results albeit at a snail’s pace, Zanu PF still maintains a one seat lead over the Movement for Democratic Change.
Latest results at 11 am (local time), show Zanu PF with 92 seats against MDC’S 91. Arthur Mutambara’s other MDC faction has five.
from our correspondent in Harare
However, political commentators say, these results so far signify a Zanu PF defeat. They say in the event of a run-off the two MDC’s will combines forces and hand Mugabe a crushing defeat.
Thus the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) led by Morgan Tsvangirai has admitted that with the partial parliamentary election results showing a dead heat with the ruling Zanu PF, seats won by a rival MDC faction and independent Tsholotsho MP Jonathan Moyo could play a major role in handing them a parliamentary majority.
MDC vice president Thokozani Khupe says their data collected at about 80 percent of the 206 contested seats showed they had secured 98 seats, Zanu PF 72 with the rival Mutambara-led MDC faction and Moyo holding 14 seats.
She said they had no data from the other 20 percent of constituencies – which might well be won by Zanu PF.
No sweeping majority
Flanked by senior MDC officials Eddie Cross and Samuel Sipepa-Nkomo, Khupe spoke of “the 14 seats held by our colleagues” – a clear pointer that both Zanu PF and her MDC party are considering the possibility none will have a sweeping majority, let alone the desired two thirds which would enable them to change the constitution.
Khupe said in all but 27 constituencies tallied, the MDC had calculated that Tsvangirai would secure 56 percent of the vote in the presidential race, with Mugabe on 37 percent and former finance minister Simba Makoni a distant third with 10 percent.
“We are closely monitoring to see if ZEC [Zimbabwe Electoral Commission] is reporting exactly what we have, and figures are correct,” Khuphe said.
She said they were concerned by Zanu PF’s big winning margins in Mashonaland constituencies, whereas the MDC wins in its urban strongholds appeared slim – something that can become a factor in the presidential ballot.
“We need to verify the Mashonaland votes where for instance Zanu PF is
getting 14 000 and we are getting 1 000. But it is also important to point out that in most instances where we have lost a parliamentary seat; we have won the presidential vote. We are the outright winners,” Khuphe said.
ZEC reporting the correct numbers
Cross said there were “serious attempts” by Zanu PF to rig the
presidential poll, “but the plan ran into number of problems”, among
them “the ZEC’s unwillingness to co-operate”. “They are reporting the results truthfully,” Cross said.
Compromise for a run-off?
Cross claimed a “compromise” had been reached to reduce Tsvangirai’s vote to under 50 percent, in the process triggering a second round of voting between him and Mugabe to take place within three weeks.
Cross alleged that Zanu PF had “carefully selected constituencies where
they have absolute control and have been successful in ballot stuffing there”.
He added: “They are preparing themselves for defeat without disgrace.”
Basing on the results, Zanu PF has tremendously lost its once popular support base- the rural areas.
Home losses
For instance some of Mugabe’s ministers have been defeated in their rural homes. Transport minister Chris Mushowe and Energy minister Amos Midzi have lost their seats.
Gender lines
On the gender basis, so far twenty-five women, among them Vice President Joice Mujuru and MDC Tsvangirai faction vice president Thokozani Khupe, won their tickets to the House of Assembly.
Mujuru won resoundingly in Mt Darwin West while Ms Khupe emerged the winner in Makokoba, Bulawayo.