Ghanaian General calls for african concensus against threats

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A senior Ghanaian military officer on Monday called on African states to collaborate to enable them to effectively deal with threats to peace and stability on the continent and globally.

Maj. Gen. Odotei was speaking in Accra at the opening of a four-day Final Planning Conference for “Africa Endeavour 2008” scheduled for July this year in Nigeria.

“Africa Endeavour” is an initiative led by the United States European Command and development partners.

The programme is aimed at addressing issues of inter-operability of command, control, communication and information systems within the armed forces of AU countries to enhance the operations of its Africa Standby Force (ASF).

It seeks to encourage information sharing, lay the necessary foundation for coll aboration of communications links, improve inter-operability and increase understanding among African militaries to avert future conflicts.

Maj. Gen. Odotei said the ASF would not be a potent force unless it had workable and reliable command, control, communications and information systems, since they provided the hub for information sharing.

He urged participants at the conference to be more committed to formulating a sound concept for the command, control and inter-operability standards of the ASF.

The July training exercise in Nigeria would aim at showing the operational relevance of “Africa Endeavour,” plan, install, operate and maintain a communication s et-up capable of supporting all ASF operations.

The Accra planning conference seeks to review, test and support plans to identify challenges for the Nigeria exercise.

Over 100 military and civilian personnel from about 24 African nations are attending the Accra conference. Panapress.

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