Bad breath equals bad hygiene or ill health ?

Reading time 1 min.

It’s not true that bad breath is not unavoidable. Nor should it be taken lightly or just dealt with by sucking breath freshener tablets – which are also full of sugar.

It’s not true that bad breath is not unavoidable. Nor should it be taken lightly or just dealt with by sucking breath freshener tablets – which are also full of sugar.

Of course there are cases where the cause of the problem is obvious: bad breath and smoking go hand in hand, so to speak. However, when it is not directly linked to lifestyle or diet and becomes a permanent feature, bad breath may be your body’s way of asking for help.

Doctors know that certain metabolic problems can make people’s breath smell of pear drops. Some pre-diabetic conditions can make our breath smell of acetone and infection with Helicobacter Pylori makes breath smell of ammonia.

More straightforwardly, bad breath is often a sign of a dental infection or a “wad” of food trapped beneath a tooth. If the problem isn’t solved by giving your teeth a good brushing you should go and see your dentist, or possibly your doctor.

Destination Santé

Photo: PaulTech Network

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