More sanctions on Zimbabwe

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European Union foreign ministers widened sanctions against Zimbabwe on Tuesday, adding dozens more people to a list of individuals under a visa ban.

The list was expanded with the addition of 37 more people to a list of individuals under the visa ban.

The following was a review of existing sanctions against Robert Mugabe and members of his regime and inner circle.

The move came despite the signing of a deal on Monday, between the veteran president and Movement for Democratic Change leader Tsvangirai on a framework for talks on a future government.

The bloc first imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe on February 18, 2002, after the head of the EU observer mission to the presidential election was thrown out.

The sanctions, the scope of which had been gradually extended over the years, involved sanctions against Mugabe and his inner circle, including an asset freeze and a ban on travelling in the EU.

They also included an arms and military material embargo.

The new names were not immediately released so as not to alert those concerned and allow them to transfer their assets to safety.

Despite the ban Mugabe was able to attend last month’s summit of the UN Food and Agriculture

Organisation (FAO) in Rome, last year’s EU-Africa summit in Lisbon, and the funeral of pope John Paul II in 2005.

Sanctions, first imposed in 2002 and 2003 and renewed on an annual basis, targeted about 130 individuals and about 30 companies accused of hindering democratic reforms in Zimbabwe.

They were subject to an asset-freeze and travel ban. There was also a ban on non-food aid.

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