Southern Sudan: Ambitious water project to cover all ten states

Reading time 2 min.

All the ten states in southern Sudan lack clean water, but that is about to change as the southern Sudan government assures residents that they will soon get clean tap water.

All of Southern Sudan’s ten states are recovering from a civil war that lasted for over twenty years when Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) engaged Khartoum government into a series of battles.

In 2005, a comprehensive peace agreement was signed by the two warring parties. Since then, Sudanese people who fled to neighbouring countries like Kenya, Congo, Uganda and Tanzania for safety have been returning home, to the different states.

“Ever since 2005 when the people started returning from exile to their villages in the different states in southern Sudan, they have been suffering from a shortage of clean water,” said south Sudan official from ministry of water, Luben Lukudu.

Lukudu said that even Juba, the capital city of southern Sudan, lacked clean water. He said that government has however come up with a master plan to supply Juba and all the ten states with water.

According to the manager of Southern Sudan Urban Water Corporation, Samuel Taban Longa, “The corporation plans to cover this year all the areas within Juba town with clean water and extend the services to all the ten states of southern Sudan in the near future.”

Longa said that plan A covers Juba town and its sub-urban areas while plan B is meant for the improvement of the water supplies in the ten southern Sudan States. The rehabilitation as well as new constructions are progressing in Eastern Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Jonglei and Northern Bahr El Ghazal States.

Mr. Longa said construction work in the remaining states will start soon. The Southern Sudan Urban Water Corporation, according to the official, has secured enough funds to do the work.

Water  Read latest news and features for Water: nutrition, cooking, access, drought, war, sea, river, dew, agriculture, displacement, well, lack.
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