On 28 February, UNAMID’s Joint Special Representative (JSR) Ibrahim Gambari concluded a two-day visit to Kigali, Rwanda, where he hosted the first-ever Retreat between UNAMID and the Special Envoys of the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council and the Special Representative of the European Union on Sudan, under the theme “Nexus between Peace, Security, Recovery and Development in Darfur.”
Before leaving Kigali, JSR Gambari was received in audience by President Paul Kagame, whom he briefed on the outcomes of the Retreat and on UNAMID current priorities. Among other issues discussed was the subject of the contribution of African countries to peacekeeping operations around the world and the need to ensure that African issues are on the front-burner of international discourse, given the challenges of the continent in its fight against poverty and for development. The JSR commended President Kagame’s role which “goes beyond Rwanda in contributing to peacekeeping operations all over the world, particularly in Africa, and (in) making the African voice heard effectively in global fora.”
For his part, President Kagame reiterated Rwanda’s full commitment to continue its support to UNAMID. “Rest assured and count on us, that we’ll do whatever we can at all time within the limits of our capacity” he pledged.
JSR Gambari was accompanied by UNAMID delegation which included Lt. Gen. Patrick Nyamvumba, UNAMID Force Commander; Mr. Abiodun Bashua, Director Political Affairs; and Mr. Noureddine Mezni, Spokesperson,.
Rwanda is the second largest contributor of peacekeepers to UNAMID, providing over 3,200 military and police personnel.
Source: United Nations – African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)