The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
The Secretary-General welcomes the outcome of the First Review Conference of the International Criminal Court, which concluded last Saturday morning in Kampala, Uganda.
The Secretary-General fully supports the ?Kampala Declaration?, by which the States parties to the Rome Statute manifested their strong commitment to the International Criminal Court. The adoption by the States Parties of substantive amendments to the Rome Statute, as well as specific outcome documents on a wide range of issues strengthened international criminal justice and the ICC.
The Secretary-General also welcomes the historic agreement on the definition of the crime of aggression in the Rome Statute and on the conditions under which the Court is to exercise its jurisdiction with respect to that crime. The compromise text is a significant step forward in the fight against impunity and towards an age of accountability.
The Secretary-General congratulates the President of the Conference, Ambassador Christian Wenaweser of Liechtenstein, as well as all focal points and facilitators for their leadership in forging consensus on the many complex issues which faced the Conference.
Source: United Nations – Office of the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General