As a follow up of the fund raising bazaar organised in March 2010 by the African Ambassadors’ Spouses Group in Addis Ababa (AASG), at the headquarters of the African Union Commission, a donation ceremony will take place on Thursday 17 June 2010, in three humanitarian NGO’s based in Addis Ababa.
They are:-
(i) Centre for Mentally Challenged Children; in Makanisa. Some of the responsibility of the the Centre are to rehabilitate and, take care, train mother on how to take care of their mentally disabled children and also counsel mothers and educated children with mentally disability.
(ii)Africa HIV Orphans Project Embrace [AHOPE]: at (old airport, after the Vatican Embassy and the Indonesian Embassy] .This orphanage centre has children from newly born up to teenagers. The children here are vulnerable; therefore the aid will provide education and medicines amongst others.
(ii) Kidane Meheret Children’s Home: in Kebeana: The Home houses newly born to about 16 years children. The children stay at the centre; the centre provides education and care for the children’s well being.
According to the program of the donation ceremony, the Spouses of the African Ambassadors based in Addis Ababa will proceed as follows:
0930hrs : Africa HIV Orphans project Embrace (AHOPE)
1030hrs: Centre for Mentally Challenged Children
1130hrs: Kidane Meheret Children’s Home
Source: African Union Commission (AUC)