Sudan: UNMIS welcomes 4 March Abyei agreement

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The United Nations Mission in Sudan today welcomes the agreement signed on 4 March by representatives of the NCP and SPLM to adhere to a full and immediate implementation of the Kadugli Agreements of 13 and 17 January 2011.

The UN-facilitated meeting held at the UNMIS compound in Abyei over the weekend addressed the current security situation in the area and established a standing committee consisting of representatives from both parties, the Sudan Armed Forces and the SPLA, both police forces and security services and the Command of the Joint Integrated Units (JIUs).

The agreement reiterates the need for the full and effective deployment of JIUs to specific locations in the Abyei region and decided the immediate withdrawal of all other forces from the area, while ensuring that the JIUs deployed in Abyei do not include any of those who were involved in the clashes of 2008 or elements that may have a conflict of interest regarding the Abyei dispute.

Welcoming the agreement, Haile Menkerios, UNMIS Special Representative for the Secretary General said: “This agreement is an important step. The recent clashes in the Abyei area have highlighted the challenges still to be overcome by both sides and I expect a speedy and effective implementation of the agreed measures. The UN is ready to facilitate this, as requested by both parties in this agreement.”

Source: Mission of UN in Sudan

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