OECD launched Wikigender.org

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Since few days, visitors are invited to send their contribution to this global and worldwide database about inequality between men and women. The Organisation for Economic and Cooperative Development (OECD) has launched on Friday, March 7th a wiki site opened to everybody and totally user friendly.

On Wikigender.org, you can freely read researches from the OECD Development Centre but you can still fullfill forms to enlarge the site with new articles and testimony. This site aims to be an instrument for sex equity. For now, it is mainly dealing with Asian and African women ‘ case and does not emphasize on the current situation in developed countries.

This interactive site proposed by the OECD is for now in English language . Always moving, Wikigender.org will be translated into French and then into other languages in the next weeks according to the webmasters.

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