Stoning of Somali girl to death for adultery condemned by European Union

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Flag of Somalia

The European parliament has strongly condemned the execution, on 27 October, of the 13-year-old Somali girl, Aïsha Ibrahim Duhulow, for adultery.
The young girl was lapidated (stoned) to death by 50 men in front of more than 1,000 people in the stadium of the port city of Kismayo, in Somalia. In a resolution, given to the press Monday, the European parliament urged the Somali government to take steps to restore Duhulow’s honour and avoid a repeat of ‘such brutality in future’. According to the resolution, the Somali girl was, in fact, a victim of a collective rape by three men. In the resolution, the European deputies demand that the murderers be brought to justice, while praising the efforts of the legitimate government of Somalia to put under its control the port of Kismayo. The European parliament is also pressing that the Mission of the African Union in Somalia (AMISON) should make full use of its mandate to protect civilians and stop the violations of human rights. It has also asked Somali and Kenyan authorities to work for the release of two Italian catholic monks removed in Kenya, at the Somali border where they worked with Somali refugees.

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